Monday, May 16, 2011

Use Once And Dispose

The door shuts and the feeling returns
Eyes are open, stinging again
The hour is late and the fan blades spin
Knowledge of these transgressions learned
I am an inconvenience to you
Of this I have always been aware
Yet you blame me when no one is there
When your face turns a black shade of blue
Hold your breath just to see if you faint
In the hopes that I won't let you fall
I won't be there to save you at all
Lover, savior or partner? I ain't
Just a toy that you use when needed
Bled dry when all I have is gone
No perception of right or wrong
Crushed to dust, left for nothing, defeated
So I know that your life is rough
Must be nice to live comfortably
Must be great to have somebody
While I'm begging to just have enough
Remember who you're talking to
On that day that you're feeling down
When you stick my face in the ground
Just remember the life you choose
When you move onto someone new
Just remember I'm still around
Broken, beaten but still unbound
Yeah I guess I'll still wait here for you.

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