Monday, May 16, 2011

I Don't

You asked me what was wrong
I asked you in turn what was right
You stared at the floor as though my question
Cauterized your soul as it shot the moon
You said two words to me
I asked you what they meant
You conjured a fire in your eyes
But your soul could not so much as light a spark
So where do we go from here?
When the skies are grey, is the ocean more clear?
We never even looked down to see
For when the clouds gather we all hurry off from the sea
Just for once, I would wait for you here
On the shores of an ocean in torrential fare
I told myself that my life didn't matter to me
But if it matters to you, then I won't set myself free
I just wish you would admit that you saw my soul
My eyes a crystal blue disguise and they're taking their toll
I didn't know my heart would cave right in
I didn't know my life would lean on yours in the end
Just for once, I would give you my life
I'd spin the clock back in time to tell you that you were right
I didn't know how much I loved you then
But I know now that I will love you until my end
And I don't know when the day is coming
But as my bones drag slowly I feel time is running me down
You're not around
I suppose that's destiny
I can't believe they took the best of me
I would give all my life for you
But knowing you won't give a minute is a blade running through
My spine
No turning time
I wasted all of mine and now I am slowly unwinding
If we're not growing together, we're growing apart
What is left to say? You always owned my heart

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