Monday, May 16, 2011


It would be best if you'd forgotten me
I've naught to offer this old sordid Earth
I never was to find a life of glee
I never was to realize my worth
My soul is all but ready to depart
My body wrecked and slowly come undone
You now must sever memory from your heart
Save space in there should you find anyone
Not I, though. No not I. I'll fade away
I'll drift with blackest eyes into the ground
No eulogistic words or reckoning day
Could stop this ancient horrifying sound
Waiting to pass beyond the grasp of light
My coffin borne six feet through dirt removed
I tried but I could never win the fight
I spoke the truth of things I never proved
I wasted life and have nothing to show
I could not find a solitary love
No prying spades shall bother me below
Thankful that I am no longer above
You did not understand me once at all
That will not be a problem anymore
Gone quietly into the Reaper's call
To find what lies beyond Lethean shores
One day you'll understand what I have earned
I loved and could not find love in return
I lived with passion, fire inside me burned
And nary was a single lesson learned
Please do not cry for me unless you must
My heart was there for all of you entwined
And though I may now be a child of dust
I remain in you till the end of time

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