Thursday, August 9, 2012


written 6/8/12

The tension is thick
You could cut it with a knife
Emotion stirs action
Action stirs words
Words stir feelings
Feelings writhe to be conquered
Yet to conquer as well
Not a moment is spared as hands grasp skin
Clutching, teasing, prodding, rubbing
Nothing is sacred, everything is worshipped
Mouths cup around each other
Delving towards midsections
Engulfing like sacrament
Barely stopping to breathe
Till the levee breaks
Saddling one another, firmly grasped
Bent like reeds in the wind
Entangled in complex postures
Wrought to the imminent fate
Of breaking the levees once more
When our skin is flooded with each other
When we can no longer feel or breathe
Then we may rest
Nestled into one another
Until our time comes again

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