Thursday, August 9, 2012


written 6/12/12

If life is a jigsaw puzzle
Then time must be the hands assembling it
The puzzles are always massive
Even when two pieces can snap together
It doesn't mean they were meant to
Every time the puzzle is assembled
It looks different than before
Sometimes the puzzle stays in a work zone
Neatly kept and constantly chipped away at
The hands of time change identity, though
New sets of hands tackle the puzzle against the original hands' wishes
Sometimes in secret
Sometimes the new hands with new perspectives look promising
They help the puzzle become complete
But in the end, like the original hands, they turn away and let life be
Life gets put away in bags, or back in its original box
Some lives get thrown away
Some lives have their tiny, completed portions glued together
Forever awaiting completion
Forever incomplete
Guess it turns out that, even if it is wrong
Even if all the pieces don't match
Even if the pattern looks wrong and the colors and 'scapes aren't where they were supposed to be according to our picture reference
The only life that ever gets completed
Is the life we never give up on until the pieces are all in place

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