Thursday, December 1, 2011

Follower Of Christ

I'd say I heard your voice as clear as day
But my days have not been so clear of late
My eyes burn like the soaring orange sun
Kept open by a tortuous glare of white
I almost died, and nobody was there
A day passed and I almost died again
I didn't hear a thing outside my fear
But I swear to all the gods I heard your voice
My heart is broken, quite literally
My body tries to burn itself alive
I stress about things I cannot control
Then I reward myself with acid baths
My blood thickens and runs slow in my veins
My broken heart beats faster than it should
I should have died two separate times that day
But I remembered the sound of your voice
I did what you'd have wanted me to do
But when I felt trapped I released myself
My life is in my hands, I am my own
The choices I make daily must be great
I cannot be so quick to light my anger
I cannot be stuck in throes of despair
I must not allow anyone's control
But most of all, I must forget your voice
I dedicated life solely to you
Remembered, reminisced and repentant
I wrote it all down just to tell to you
These stories and these stupid songs to share
You left me here to question everything
Alone and suffering, I faded fast
I'm taking back control, becoming one
I will forget your name, your ways, your voice
You cannot hurt me, you cannot touch me
You cannot break me, you will be denied
I will renew myself without your curse
And I'll forget your miserable name
I live, I breathe, I hope, I will survive
Relish the sacrifices I will make
I will love and cherish my own, and self
And I'll not once again recall your name

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