Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Watch Out

Watch out for the world
If they're not out to get you, they're out to get what's yours
If you don't stand, they'll have you on all fours
If you don't reach for the sky, you'll be cleaning floors
If you give all you have, they'll make you give more
Watch out for the world
If you trust a person they might steer you wrong
Your beliefs might have been false all along
The heroes you adore are dead and gone
And haunting melodies adorn all songs
Watch out for the world
There may just be a wrong to every right
There may just be a dark to every light
There may just be a day to every night
Victory and defeat in every fight
Watch out for the world
It's not an easy place to live, I know
We're running out of places we can go
Life is hard and sometimes painfully slow
But at least in reading this, you're not alone

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