Monday, November 14, 2011

There Is No Other Way

I tried taking the mountain pass
My knees collapsed and my chest was an icicle
I tried to take the valley
My ears rang and my nose clogged
I tried to cross the middle ground
My mind told me constantly 'we are lost'
So I tried to turn around and go back
I felt defeated, but comfortable
I beamed and smiled joyfully at my mistakes and glories
All waiting for me just as I had left them
I conversed with the inanimate
I laughed with the noncorporeal
I forgot my struggles as I fell asleep with what I knew
Surely there is no other way
That forward business is scary stuff
Just pull me back to safety
Don't lure me into untold pains
I can't bear the thought of leaving this behind
I am happy here, and so are my things
The wind whispers in my ear a reminder
Had I never journeyed, I would have never gained
Curse the wind

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