Monday, November 7, 2011


When your eyes breeze through me like poetry
I feel like I'm falling from a cliff top
Right before I hit the ground, I am saved
By the grace of your gaze
Undermine my stubbornness with all that you are
Fire blazing, devouring, conquering the setting dark
Cliff diving couldn't defeat my awakening
In your steady, wind-rushed arms
I never do get used to salvation
Always attacking from the valley, marching the troops
To a surely insurmountable advancement
That is of course until you showed up
My resources were depleted
I was forced to the edge of a canyon's cliff
As I was prodded to the edge by my enemy
There you were, locking eyes with me
My grimace turned to a smile and my heart burst with joy
Life played back like a film in reverse
You were in every frame, smiling, laughing, dancing
We were so fragile
So enduring
So in love
A tear I didn't know my eyes concealed welled up as I smiled
When you smiled back at me, I smiled and said I loved you
Right before I hit the ground

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