Monday, June 21, 2010

Identity Crisis

Some days we forget who we are. On those days we do indeed bleed ourselves of everything within. Once we are done with this pity party syndrome, we must find the strength in ourselves to stop, because those of us with influence and sway do not realize the power we have to persuade others to live in the same wreckage that we find ourselves in.

My confidence is slowly bleeding itself dry
I cry out to the world in distant reverie
I cannot seem to find myself
Well, I don't think I ever really existed
I'm blanketing myself in worlds upon worlds of lies
More fake than the smiles on the faces of this planet
I drenched myself in hypocrisy
Forget my life, if you want it you can have it
I can't trust myself
I can't trust anything you do or say to me
I don't believe a single thing
I don't love myself
And I never did, I never will
I live this life without identity
I look in mirrors and see brokenness within
I formed myself from everything that looked better than me
Or did I form myself at all?
Did I wake up one morning and osmose life and fake it all?
I can't remember a choice I make
Yet I remember everything wrong that's ever been done to me
I wonder if I will see the day
Does freedom ring for me, or am I stuck in purgatory?
Am I the only one embattled with this, constant osmosis
I have no idea who I really am
Am I the only one entrenched in all that I have done wrong
Or are we all just one destructive kindred spirit?

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