Three hundred and sixty degrees
Ninety one more and you could burn the world's knowledge
Two hundred sixty one point four less and you could reach my core
But for now you're just spinning full circle
Over and over
Like a pointless carousel of carnage
Yeah, I guess my soul is tarnished
Don't even try to tell me yours isn't the same.
What do you see when you look at me?
When you look at you?
When you look at them?
Do you stand befuddled and haw and hem
Or do you find the quickest path to conformity?
Look astonished at the world's enormity
Don't worry, you're about to hear a lot more of me
Or you can do what the rest of the world does
Jack back into the Matrix
Live your life in cryostasis
With every breath in me I hate this
Baseless, faceless society
Sucked into tablets and iPad screens
You think you're smart just because you read
But you've forgotten to retain the information
Forgotten to obtain a revelation
Free to choose your slavery
No. I'm just erupting like a mountain of truth
Everlasting and pure like a fountain of youth
Yet pressing and invoking like a burden of proof
You cannot deny.
You're living a lie.
But it's okay, so am I.
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