Monday, May 16, 2011


All tides turn and all dreams change
I used to stay awake throughout the night
Now sleep is my own personal nepenthe
Sleep sleep sleep
Let time flow without me in it for a change
For so long I would tell my friends and everyone
"Sleep is for the dead. There are things to do."
Those things are gone now.
Yes he said it, yes he did,
Robert Flynn spoke words for me:
"Gone is my faded dream; failure, I welcome in thou."
But there is no beautiful mourning.
What was buried has risen like Jesus
Scouring the earth, the walking dead
I pluck the strings and recoil aghast at the beauty of the intonation
The chords stir my soul to reawaken
But all I want to do is sleep.
I found songs inside myself.
I cannot trust nor hope the notes I hear
But those notes are the reason I'm still here.
They're not for me;
They're for you.
I found them in my soul and brought them here
For you.
It doesn't matter if you don't care.
Just like I did long ago, you will have to face these notes.
You will have to face them and decide
If you feel the same you did as before you heard them.
And once the words echo past the notes, oh
You will have to decide again.
And my only hope is that after the tones have long decayed
That you will have changed your mind
And I will live again.

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