Thursday, September 20, 2012


I remember the days
When the only way to stop the pain
Was to cause some to myself
Or to allow you the chance to make it worse
I've evacuated hope before
But I feel like I can break the chains now
Ratcheted down to the soil, my skin is alive
I never wanted it all
I just wanted enough
But enough wasn't enough for you
There's a stain in my soul
You can't bleach it enough
The days are like wounds and the sun
Cauterizes my heart to the pain
I see the evening rise
The thirst is quenched, the fever is gone
I watch you cut your wrists and run
To the nearest exit for sympathy
It's easy to open your arms
When the broken throw themselves at you
Begging for healing
But you plan to manipulate
Which is just what they want
My heart is harder than steel
But inside, there is unaided hope
A listlessly wandering inferno of love
Burning all that it touches to ashes
When the phoenix arises the ashen stains remain
The pain is reborn with the love
The hope is entangled with sorrow
I contain myself within
Because I don't want to hurt you
Nor will I sit and watch you hurt yourself

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Same

The heart of a killer
Beats the same blood
Through the same veins as
The heart of restraint
The eyes of a sinner
Sees the same sun
And the same moon
As the eyes of a saint

So what do we gain through nomenclature?
We divide ourselves, so quick to walk away
An obfuscated mind feeds a hellish nature
When will we realize we're all here to stay?

Breathe winter deep into your lungs
Sharp breaths assassinate your aspirations
Exhale summer until the day is done
Destroy all preconceived inclinations

The hand of a builder
Grips with different strength
Goes through different pains
Than the hand of a surgeon
When their souls collide
Do they shake their hands with pride
Or do they start up a fight
About who's more important?

If I could trade with you
I would take what I could get
Give my best without regret
And I'd hope you'd do the same
I'd like to join you
In lifting each other up
We sure could use some better luck
To add to our names

Breathe winter deep into your lungs
Sharp breaths assassinate your aspirations
Exhale summer until the day is done
Destroy all preconceived inclinations

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Always with a quivering voice
The heart is draining and the mind runs over
Barely holding onto what I have
What I have is next to nothing

And so you unlock my door
With your eyes locked upon my throat
Cutting gashes in the skin of my soul
Blood is simmering and the night sky is red
Your eyes are dark like the corner of this room
But I knew that those monsters were there

Just fleeting you say
Your tears fall and your words fall with them
All I can do is brace for impact
Retreat to high ground
You nailed the script but your performance is dry

I am no coward
You are no master
Exposition brings no closure
I hope you feel better after your rage
You never even touched me

Friday, September 14, 2012


There was an image in my mind
Walking through the rain
Perspective of grey as the sky begins shifting
Malevolent winds screaming through the street
Went too far away
Footsteps trace a pattern
Unfamiliar, unmolested ground
Gazing up to a world
Too busy to notice this
Young, drenched man who lives in these fortresses
Languishing every hour
Uncertain of the paths that lay before him
Accepting their futility anyway
Watch how the light plays a trick on you
The pledge is the radiance piercing the cold
The turn is warmth and an everlasting glow
The truth is it's gone when you need it the most
And this is all my eyes can find
The light bears no clarion call of comfort
Cold, dark struggles are my lifeblood
Light is nothing but blinding
So bring me back to the darkness
That I may smile once more