Sunday, January 8, 2012


I would give anything
To take the foot of your perfect little life
Off of my undeserving throat
I'm just so sick of all the comparisons
Somehow you're always in the right
I don't care because I'm always choked

I'm prepared to breathe fire
I'm ready to mourn the loss
I'm prepared to be severed
Pseudo martyr, get off that fucking cross

I would trade almost anything
To see your happiness once again
I don't know why that's so impossible
I'm so sick of the despair within
I'd just as soon plunge that dagger in
Before I let you climb that pedestal

I'm prepared to breathe fire
I'm ready to mourn the loss
I'm prepared to be severed
Pseudo martyr, get off that fucking cross

I made a mistake today
Just the same as yesterday
Curse me as you would have done
At least the mistake was mine
I own it and that's alright
Your way is not the only one

Your way is not the only way
I am wrong, that doesn't mean you're right
Your god is not the only god
This is war, but I don't have to fight

I'm prepared to breathe fire
I'm ready to mourn the loss
I'm prepared to be severed
Pseudo martyr, get off that fucking cross

Get off that fucking cross
Get off your pedestal
Your sacrifice was vain
Your life, so typical

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