I shed not an autumn leaf
Rainfall doesn't bother me
I am not a rolling stone
Yet I gather moss all on my own
Branches hanging in the air
Have you ever been up there?
It alone is where I long to be
But rooted in the ground, my destiny
I care not for heat and fire
My bark entrenched in the mire
Nurturing the smaller folk
My life seems a cruel joke
Someone out there tell me why
I can't soar the open sky
For it alone is where I long to be
Rooting futile in the ground is my destiny
I don't feel I'm asking much, just an atmospheric touch
Please free me from this cursed gravity
As I wither slowly down
All of me is earthen bound
I knew you wouldn't grant my wish
I knew that it would come to this
I've fought so hard against my grain
There's no thought left to entertain
The skyward plots are where I longed to be
Even now I wish they were here with me
My soil is old and I am too, I've lingered too long here with you
Come claim your victim, gravity
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